ITR Group’s 2024 Charities:

Breast Cancer Foundation | Susan G. Komen®

Komen works on patient navigation and advocacy, providing resources for breast cancer patients to understand the American medical system

CIO’s vs Cancer

A community of technology leaders (TechCXOs) that are changing the course of cancer by collaborating and leveraging their influence to raise awareness and funding for early-career cancer research grants

Alzheimer’s Association of MN

Leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support

Genesys Works

Connects underserved high school students with transformative internships, empowering them through training and meaningful work experiences


STEM scholarships for high school students going to college in MN

Haven Housing

Provides women, non-binary people, and the families they lead with shelter and the opportunity to explore options for their future

Open Hands Foundation

Was established by Westwood Community Church to create and support solutions to meet critical needs of vulnerable people, provide hope to our neighbors, and make a lasting difference in the Twin Cities Southwest Metro Area

PROP Food Shelf

PROP offers food programs that nourish the body, plus comprehensive social services and support to nourish the minds of Eden Prairie and Chanhassen

Best Buy Teen Centers

A place where youth can access tech education and build the confidence they will need to have a successful future

Glacier Conservancy

Provides funding for vital projects and programs that preserve and protect the Glacier National Park

The Listening House

A daytime shelter for people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and loneliness

Local High School Programs

ITR Group has been ranked #24 on the list of Minnesota-Based Corporate Based Philanthropists.

Giving back to our community is at the heart of what we do. Whether it’s sponsoring local events, supporting charitable causes, or empowering our employees to make a difference, ITR Group creates positive change through philanthropic efforts. ITR Group looks forward to continuing to make an impact and contributing to the growth of our Minnesota community.

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